Zbigniew Boniek on the bookmaking scandal. Nicola Zalewski will fight for big money

Zbigniew Boniek on the bookmaking scandal.  Nicola Zalewski will fight for big money

Nicola Zalewski announced that he would file a lawsuit against Fabrizio Corona after his informant admitted that he had made up a story about his involvement in the bookmaking scandal. Now Zbigniew Boniek reveals the details. We know what the AS Roma player is planning.

Recently, the media has been in a frenzy after information about the bookmaking scandal in Italian football came to light. The first punished were Nicolo Fagioli from Juventus, who was suspended for 12 months, and five of them will be spent in compulsory treatment for gambling addiction. In addition, the footballer must pay PLN 12,500. euro fine. Additionally, Sandro Tonali – suspended for 10 months (8 in therapy) and Nicolo Zaniolo – recently interrogated, are involved in the scandal.

Bookmaker scandal. Nicola Zalewski announced the trial

Fabrizio Corona, who revealed this practice, also named Nicola Zalewski and Stephan El Shaarawy as participants in the bookmaking scandal. However, as it later turned out, the journalist’s informant publicly admitted that he invented the story about the AS Roma player’s involvement in this scandal.

Despite this, Corona did not change his mind and still claims that the Polish representative has been gambling for years and has irrefutable proof of it. The footballer’s lawyers reacted immediately to these words and announced that they would file a lawsuit against the journalist. In a statement sent to the Italian news agency ANSA, they said that their client excludes any involvement in the cases he is accused of.

Zbigniew Boniek reveals. Nicola Zalewski will fight for big money

Now Zbigniew Boniek spoke more about Nicola Zalewski’s movements on Channel Sportowy. The UEFA vice-president revealed in an interview with Mateusz Borek that his entourage is working in connection with the lawsuit.

– I talked to his manager two days ago. He said they were already preparing a lawsuit. I heard they wanted 10 million euros. Something has to be done about it. If they did not create a lawsuit, it would mean that they accept it, he said.

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